Expert advice for any noise problem

    Delivery within the EU


    EASY Noise Control
    Akoestisch schuim AC2 in machine

    Machine and equipment construction

    Regardless of the type, size, application and user of the machine: a quieter machine is better for people and the environment. EASY Noise Control supplies a wide range of acoustic materials that make your machine more quiet. Together with you and your product specialists, we research which material fits best with your product.

    Reduced sound

    Four benefits

    Machines that produce less sound have advantages for your and your clients.

    Reduce harmful sound

    By reducing the sound level of your machine you reduce (the contribution to) harmful noise for your customers and end users.

    Sound in the environment

    For machines that are installed or used outdoors, very strict standards apply with regard to ambient noise. A lower noise level contributes to the success of your product.

    Work and live comfortably

    A lower sound level provides more comfort in working and living environments. The total sound level or noise in a specific frequency: reducing it can make a huge difference.

    Successful marketing

    Sound is a hot topic and is often evaluated in reviews. The low sound level of a machine is also increasingly referred to on packaging and product documentation.