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    EASY Noise Control
    Plafondeilanden kantoor nuland

    Improve acoustics in general practices

    Acoustics play an important role in the healthcare industry, both in waiting rooms and treatment areas. Acoustic improvements in this field are aimed at:

    • Better speech intelligibility;
    • Enhancement of privacy;
    • More comfortable work climate.

    Acoustics in general practices

    The advantages

    Poor acoustics in waiting rooms can cause tension for patients. This leads to a feeling of discomfort which is brought into the consulting room. By improving the acoustics in the waiting room, this tension can be prevented. Poor acoustics in the consulting room can also contribute to an unpleasant experience.

    Better intelligibility and privacy

    Understanding each other better results in fewer mistakes, less fatigue and more focus. Moreover, the right approach can also achieve more privacy and patients dare to be open about their complaints.

    Safe and peaceful surroundings

    Noise can lead to confusing, stressful and frightening situations. Good acoustics promote overview and improve the state of mind of patients and staff.

    Healthier and better performing staff

    Good acoustics also lead to less stress and fatigue for general practitioners and staff. Moreover, it leads to better performance and focus and is therefore very important in giving the right advice and medication.

    Speech Privacy

    The reverse of speech intelligibility and applicable to communication within an own group. With good voice privacy, (confidential) conversations are normally made without being 'overheard' outside the group.

    The best-selling solutions

    For good acoustics in a general practice

    We offer an ample choice of acoustic solutions to create a more comfortable climate and enhance the feeling of privacy in a treatment areas. Frequently used applications are acoustic ceiling elements and wall panels provided with photo prints.

    • EASYceiling elements
    • EASYceiling panels
    • EASYultra wall panel
    • EASYphoto wall panel

    Request for advice

    Understanding the current acoustic situation

    If you would like more information about our acoustics products or their application, you can always call or send us a message. Our acoustic experts will be happy to help you and always know what to do!

    Ruben V website

    Ruben de Visser

    Acoustic specialist

    Specialist advice from our staff
    Extensive range of acoustic solutions
    On-site acoustic measurement

    Please feel free to send us a request