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    EASY Noise Control


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    Bass Traps

    EASY Noise Control supplies various bass traps. A bass trap attenuates low frequencies. This means that bass traps are mainly used in a studio, recording room, listening room, home theater or in a control room.

    A bass trap is usually in the corner of a studio or room. Low frequency sound manifests itself especially where two walls come together. A bass trap in combination with absorption and diffusion lead to a pleasant acoustic space.


    What are bass traps?

    In listening rooms, studios, home cinema you want the acoustics to be perfect. The acoustics need to be balanced and adjusted to the application and your preferences.

    Without sound absorption, the listening experience is bad. After all, the ceiling and walls reflect the sound energy coming from your speakers. Reflections disrupt the direct sound from your speakers too much.

    Using conventional sound absorption, frequencies are attenuated and the sound becomes ‘drier’. However, most acoustic solutions have a good absorption capacity in medium and high frequencies. Damping in the low frequency sound is often left behind.

    Low frequency sound plays an important role in the experience of sound. Low frequency sound is more difficult to attenuate than medium and high frequency sound. This has to do with the length of the sound wave. The length of a 100Hz wave is 3.44 metres and of 1000Hz 34 cm (at a speed of 344 metres per second).

    If we want to attenuate low frequency then we need sufficient mass and thickness.

    Bass traps are elements that are made to attenuate low frequency sound or bass tones well. Because they are usually placed in corners, we also call them a ‘corner bass absorber’.

    Bass traps often absorb less well in the middle and high frequencies. These frequency areas are often sufficiently attenuated by ‘normal’ absorbers or acoustic panels. In this way you prevent mid- and high-frequency over attenuation.

    At which position do you place bass traps?

    In a studio or listening room there are often standing waves. This occurs because the parallel surfaces are as far apart as the length of a sound wave. As a result, low frequency builds up in the corners. That is why the corners of a room are the best place to place the bass absorbers.

    Bass traps often have a triangular or round shape so that they fit nicely in a corner.

    After you have placed the absorbers in the room you will start placing the bass traps. In a listening room or studio it is best to start with the corners in the front of the room.

    In the second instance you can place bass traps in the corners of the back wall.

    We recommend to place 1 to 2 meters high bass traps. In many cases it means that you have to place 2 to 4 above each other.


    Bass traps are often made to hang in the corner with a bracket or sealant. We also offer separate variants that can be placed in front of a corner.